In a nutshell…. what is The Gambia Cotton Trail?

About The Gambia cotton trail
Our spinners located in Njau.

It is Made in The Gambia!

It all started a few years back, when we realised that the cotton industry in The Gambia was disappearing… The beautiful and soft cotton, cultivated, spun and woven in the country. We decided to do something about it. Slowly we started the process of researching where they still grow cotton and whether or not the chain of cotton still exist in the country. The result at this time was pretty much non existing, and the work with the trail started…

Our aim is to create opportunities and employment throughout the country, using cotton as a tool and involve people along the trail. It requires many sets of skills and connects industries from farmers, spinners, weavers, artists, designers, tailors, tie & dyer etc etc throughout the country.

The Gambia Cotton Trail is an initiative under the GreenBox charity, registered in both The Gambia and Norway. We aim to;

  • revive the cotton industry in The Gambia and
  • create products that are made in the country, from seed to finished product.
  • create opportunities in the country, though a product to be proud of!

Find out more about us

Since we started the project, we have connected with national and international companies, organisations, supporter, customers etc etc. We know we have a long way to go, but here you can read more about how we work and our efforts.

How our story begin….

How we work, our ethos and your impact

The people involved in The Gambia

And our partners and supporters

You can contact us any time, and follow our journey on facebook or instagram. We do appreciate all comments. And of course, if you buy our cotton, you are also supporting local industry in The Gambia. Welcome to our Cotton Universe. Thank you.

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